Chapel Bell Curve

7.16 - An Interview with Dr. Carrie Tipton on the History of SEC Fight Songs

Episode Summary

Nathan is here with a very special episode and a very special guest. Dr. Carrie Tipton is a musicologist at Vanderbilt University and author of the new book "From Dixie to Rocky Top" on the history of SEC fight songs. Nathan is here to talk with her about the songs, the history, and he surprisingly large number of copyright lawsuits involved.

Episode Notes

Nathan is here with a very special episode and a very special guest. Dr. Carrie Tipton is a musicologist at Vanderbilt University and author of the new book From Dixie to Rocky Top on the history of SEC fight songs. Nathan is here to talk with her about the songs, the history, and he surprisingly large number of copyright lawsuits involved.

Dr. Tipton has been nice enough to provide us with a discount code that will give you 30% off the purchase of her book from the Vanderbilt Press website.  Just use the code 15FRIENDS at this link to get the deal!  

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Dr. Carrie Tipton on Twitter - @CarrieATipton